How to fix “SSL is not enabled for this domain” message on DirectAdmin

If you disabled the SSL functionality in Account Manager >> SSL Certificates >> Disable SSL, you will not be able to access the Account Manager >> SSL Certificates area. You will get an error message:

Cannot Execute Your Request
SSL is not enabled for this domain
ssl not enabled
“SSL is not enabled for this domain” message

As of August 2021, there is no way to re-enable the SSL option from the GUI. This is no longer true with the latest versions of DirectAdmin. To re-enable the SSL option for a domain:

1. Navigate to Account Manager >> Domain Setup

2. Choose your domain from the list and enable the Secure SSL option. Click the MODIFY button.
Now you have access to the Account Manager >> SSL Certificates section of the DA control panel.

As an admin, you can enable the SSL option back for a specific domain by editing the file


and changing the ssl option from




Now, the user will be able to access again the SSL graphical interface for that domain.

In case the SSL option is disabled for the account (not for a particular domain), you can enable it from the DirectAdmin GUI or by editing the file


and changing the ssl option to ON.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. AmirabbasGhasemi

    thank you so much.

  2. Fix

    Hello, please update this article. I think that the claim “there is no way to re-enable the SSL option from the GUI.” is no longer true.

    go to “Domain management” section https://yourserverhostname:2222/user/domains
    Click your domain, enable “Secure SSL”.

    1. Editorial Staff

      Hello! Your information is correct. Thank you for the heads-up.
      The article has been updated.

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