How to set up a redirect for your website in cPanel

Did you move your site to a new domain? Do you want to redirect access to a removed folder to the main page? the cPanel Redirect allows you to set such redirects.

To setup a redirect follow the steps:

  1. First, log into your cPanel account
  2. Look for Redirects (DOMAINS section)
  3. Now we will add the redirect. Choose the Type you want Permanent(HTTP code 301) or Temporary(HTTP code 302)
  4. Choose if the redirect should work for all the domains or for a single domain(select it from the drop-down list)
  5. Then select the directory or file you want to redirect from.
  6. Enter the destination URL.
  7. Choose if you want to redirect with/without/and www. Also, you have a Wild Card Redirect option. With this option checked the server will redirect all files within a directory to the same filenames in the destination directory.
  8. Click the Add button
cpanel redirects
cPanel Redirects

A short video tutorial:

Setup redirect in cPanel

The cPanel Redirect tool uses the .htaccess file. Take care if you want to edit/delete this file. For advanced info on the directives you can use in the .htaccess file, please visit Apache Module mod_rewrite page.

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